Why Fortifier?
We are professionals with extensive expertise. At the same time, we are just good people. Working with Fortifier is essentially “killing two birds with one stone”: you receive the career and a friendly community to work in.
Cutting-edge technologies, real-life experience, a comfortable workspace, and pleasant conditions to progress—you can find all these at Fortifier. Here are more of our features you may find attractive:
Direct communication
There are no excessive formalities interrupting your communication with both colleagues and customers all over the world. We are open and equal.
Tired of spending half a day to get to work? It's not an issue at our company. We are located in the center of the city, close to the convenient traffic interchange. Fortifier wants you to work, not drive.
Computer equipment
Don't feel like putting work and personal life in one place? We've got you covered. Fortifier supplies you with all the needed work equipment to let you focus on what's important at the moment.
Friendly and open-minded team
Supportive, united, professional – all our people are looking forward to meeting and accepting you into our team.
Team-building events
We genuinely want you to fit into our team; that's why we strive to make it happen. Paintball games, theater trips, football matches - a fun time with your colleagues will help you get to know them better.
Decent salary and paid vacation
Let's be honest here: great compensation is a vital aspect of every attractive job position, and we have thought of it. Fortifier is ready to pay you what you truly deserve and provide you with paid vacation as well.
How To Apply For The Job
1 Start career path at Fortifier!
Explore and get to know more about life and work at Fortifier by visiting our Facebook, Djinni or DOU profiles. Check our LinkedIn to find your links working at Fortifier to speak with or to get referred for an opening.
To apply for a job at Fortifier, simply send your CV to any suitable vacancy we have. If your skills meet the requirements, a Talent Acquisition Specialist will contact you for a brief interview via phone. If that goes well, we’ll contact you for the next steps.
2 Come to an interview!
Prepare for the talk! You’ll be invited to meet us in person for an HR and a technical interview. You may be also asked to do a test task and undergo a customer interview.
To get ready for the interview, study the job description and do some research for a basic understanding of who we are and what we do. Read more interview tips. And don’t forget to recall the OOP principles!
3 Await for the news!
If all the stages are successfully passed, we’ll reach out to you about the positive result. If you aren’t selected, don’t get deterred. There are many more job opportunities at Fortifier. Explore and find the suitable one to apply on Fortifier Career Site. Follow our latest news and opportunities on Facebook and LinkedIn! We are looking forward to working with you!
Open Positions