2019 is the year of travel insurance breakthrough

4 min to read

2019 is the year of travel insurance breakthrough brought by an automated immediate payouts platform.

Lately, our team has been working on our own project (yes, sometimes we do that — Fortifier is not just a technical vendor), Panzly, that was born from an idea from our CEO Alexey Gayduk.
We are proud to announce that Panzly has been selected as one of the finalists to be showcased and pitched at one of the biggest global traveltech events, TTE19 (London, UK)!
For those of you who are not in the picture, Travel Technology Europe is the leading event for travel industry professionals who are seeking high-technology solutions for their businesses. People go there to discover the latest innovations, products, and suppliers. Each business needs a refresher every now and then, and TTE is where these fresh starts occur.

If you are delayed — get paid for even 2 hours of waiting for your flight

What is Panzly? Why did Alex come up with the idea of creating a platform for immediate payouts that cover flight delays and cancellations? How will it work for Panzly’s platform end user, ticket vendor, or insurance carrier?

For starters, Panzly is flight insurance for delays or cancellations with automatic and immediate payouts. It protects you from unnecessary stress and tons of paperwork, automatically triggering compensation in an event of a 2-hour delay. And the cause of the problem actually doesn’t matter: Panzly will provide compensation whether or not the flight was delayed because of weather conditions or canceled because of an alien attack. You will still get the same-sized payout you signed up for while personalizing your coverage and selecting your insurance rate in the platform.

How one delayed flight turned the whole traveltech industry upside down

Imagine yourself at the airport, desperately trying to find any common sense in what the airline representatives are telling you about your flight, which is obviously missing from the tarmac. Maybe you don’t have to imagine this, but instead, remember this happening to you. Now, think back to the powerless anger you feel (or even have felt) when the representatives tell you your flight is delayed due to any imaginable or unimaginable reason — now you are stuck at the airport for few hours with no visa and even no offset except the useless entry to the business class lounge where you can drink bad coffee and use low-speed Wi-Fi for free. You start punishing yourself for not having insured your flight, but then you remember how humiliating the whole process was last time when you had to deal with a whole load of papers, wasting your precious time on phone calls and asking your fellow lawyers for assistance, because God knows what those insurers actually mean. This is the moment you tell yourself, “Why has no one come up with a way to receive immediate compensation for me and the other 100 people stuck here as well? Should I do that?” And this is how I̶ ̶m̶e̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶m̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r Alex invented Panzly.

Automated immediate payouts supplant long-lasting paper claims

Now, while checking in for the flight online on your way to the airport, simply open Panzly and purchase the insurance plan of your choice. Depending on the cost of the chosen plan, you can get anywhere from $50 for coffee, snacks, and duty-free shopping to $600+ for new tickets, luxury hotels, or any other ways of treating yourself in case something goes wrong with your flight. The payout will be transferred to your payment card immediately after our service automatically receives information about the time of the delay or cancellation issue. Delayed for more than 2 hours? Get paid! Each day, about 11.6K+ flights are delayed and over 650 flights are canceled. Every Panzly user on these flights could receive a payout. Additionally, there are no preliminary contracts with insurance companies, no claims, paperwork, phone calls, or months of waiting for results or compensation.

Traveltech makes a huge step forward thanks to Panzly

Airlines that chose to work with us will have the ability to acquire a competitive advantage on the market and provide an improved customer experience. Integration with Panzly is extremely simple, easy, and clean — at the same time it provides additional revenue channel and acquires loyal clients. On the other end of the chain, there are insurance carriers who will get more and more automated sales with no extra efforts. We even take care of validation and electronic signatures, not mentioning sales itself along with the entire communication process.

The connecting link in the chain, Panzly, automates sales and payouts, accepts risks, and takes charge of replacing outdated issues connected with communication and claims by providing a next-step technological solution.
Let’s step into the next era of traveltech together and make the travel world a bit more comfortable and profitable!

For flight ticket vendors                                                                                 White label solution for Insurers

For travelers

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