Blog Logistics Mobile Application Development: How to Create One and Not Lose Out? 16.09.2019 10 min to read insurance softwaremobile developmentsoftware developmenttechnologiestravel insurance software Year after year, the Information Age makes the world smaller and smaller, which in turn gets logistics going into all business spheres globally. No matter what kind of business it is, logistics is bound to some, if not all, of its processes. Anything that needs to be brought from one point on the map to [...]Read More... 1,013 2 0 Share
Insurtech News Top 10 CRMs for insurance companies and how to choose one 09.08.2019 12 min to read CRMinsurance softwarenews A modern business – especially insurance sales – must meet a multitude of increasing requests from the growing Generation Y. In the current marketing and investment climate, the automatic collecting and processing of data are crucial. Today’s best instrument for these tasks is a modern CRM for insurance agents. Their main advantages lie in the [...]Read More... 16,023 7 0 Share
Insurtech News A Place for Big Data in Insurance 26.07.2019 5 min to read big datainsurance softwarenewstechnologies Sweeping digitalization and modernization of practically all existing industries, business niches, etc. are more of a necessary measure than a trend-dictated whim of establishments and market players. Technologies develop, global service standards evolve, and participants of all the commotion must be able to follow. Insurance is one industry that has been in need of some [...]Read More... 383 0 0 Share
Insurtech News What is InsurTech? What you should know about emerging technologies in the insurance sector 15.07.2019 12 min to read aiblockchaininsurance softwareinsurtechnewstechnologies Digital technologies are present in every realm of modern life. With change happening so fast, it can be challenging for insurers to innovate with confidence or even to know where to begin. Startups and enterprises invest billions of dollars in InsurTech innovation programs to modernize the industry. Business process automation, chatbots, machine learning, blockchain, and [...]Read More... 6,529 4 0 Share
Insurtech News How to Find a Reliable Insurtech Development Vendor 07.03.2019 7 min to read insurtechnews During recent years, new software development companies have been appearing almost with a daily frequency. Almost every other company strives to hold leading market positions and specialize in as many different niches as possible. We will not go as far as judging the reasonability of such goals. According to practice, however, the narrower the niche [...]Read More... 236 1 0 Share
Insurtech News 2019 is the year of travel insurance breakthrough 15.02.2019 4 min to read aiinsurtechnewstechnologiestravel insurance software 2019 is the year of travel insurance breakthrough brought by an automated immediate payouts platform. Lately, our team has been working on our own project (yes, sometimes we do that — Fortifier is not just a technical vendor), Panzly, that was born from an idea from our CEO Alexey Gayduk. We are proud to announce [...]Read More... 216 1 0 Share
Insurtech News 13 Ways Agents Can Increase Insurance Sales In 2018 02.01.2019 5 min to read insurance software How to sell insurance… Faster and more effectively? And why are there 13 ways? One of the things I try to do with Fortifier blog is to break stereotypes. Every insurer has his own work style and knows that making the sales process quicker is the best way to get and serve more clients. Here you are welcome [...]Read More... 2,864 4 0 Share
Insurtech News Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends in Insurance in 2019 07.12.2018 5 min to read aiinsurance softwareinsurtechnewstechnologies Technology is growing increasingly advanced and complex, touching all areas of daily lives and business activity, including the insurance industry. With all-around digitalized modern realities surrounding us in wherever we go and whatever we do, digital transformation in insurance becomes a user-demanded must rather than a company owner’s desire. Insurance Digital Transformation Trends Overview [...]Read More... 666 1 0 Share
Insurtech News Chatbots and The Rise of the Automated Insurance Agent 05.11.2018 5 min to read aiinsurance softwareinsurtechnewstechnologies A chatbot is a highly-intelligent application that, similarly to a live human, can communicate with other real people with text messages. During the past few years, the market’s best insurance agency management systems with the chatbot functionality have been most actively implemented by insurance companies striving to enhance the quality of customer support. Thus, instead [...]Read More... 346 1 0 Share
Insurtech News What is the Best Insurance Agency Software? 31.10.2018 4 min to read insurance softwareinsurtechnews Automated insurance agents are becoming more and more popular among insurance companies. Mobile apps and other insurance agency software automate business processes, cut costs, and increase employees’ productivity thanks to automation and speeding up customer service tasks. All of this improves the customer experience and, consequently, exceedingly increases sales. There are plenty of P&C insurance [...]Read More... 609 1 0 Share