Using Social Networks For Insurance. Find Out And Hold Clients

3 min to read

I love numbers. Of course when they are high in my favor.

LIMRA, one of the world’s biggest association of life insurance and fiscal services companies during its research found that 93% of life insurance companies had social media programs in position.

Moreover, a study by Accenture found that 48% of customers consider opinions via using social networks before making insurance-purchasing choices.

And in conclusion, the research by Celent showed that insurance agencies and companies said that promotion in social network is the main point for new sales.

So start with the questions below:

  1. Do you have a lot of likes on Facebook?
  2. Do you make your posts without much engagement?
  3. Do you get a lot of retweets or favorites on Twitter?
  4. Does your YouTube channel have a lot of subscribers?
  5. Do you know about what I mean?

If you answered “no” to any one of these questions, then you should improve your situation.

Don’t worry, it’s easy.

Below you will find an interesting recommendation, which via using needed tools will help a lot.

So Fortifier advices some systematic approach that will change the way your insurance company is perceived online.

  1. Build a more attractive insurance character.

If you want to improve your presence, you should ask yourself what’s compelling is in your service. Define how you can tell about your politics, goals, offers, and clients.

Be honest and open-minded. Use cute pictures, photos, and even short video storytelling.

  1. Answer the question: Who will be your target audience?

Start by thinking about things from your client’s’ perspective.

That means find out who they are. There’s a good chance you know exactly what a typical customer is like. You know their average age, their income level, their education level, etc. Use this knowledge to craft a social media strategy that will be interesting and needed to them.

One of the best ways to do this is to write down a list of the most frequent questions you get.

  1. Do the target market research.

To begin with that I hope you have a general idea of the keywords that people in your insurance market are looking for. Turn them into your posts topics.

Don’t tell about price even how cheap it is. Better pay attention at what life insurance can do for people, like providing security to loved ones. Use all of your knowledge to create a content strategy that increases your social media engagement.

  1. Attract people via social networks.

How many questions do you receive in person? A lot of!

Fortifier should note that it’s time to turn those questions and your answers into content for social networks. Аs a result, you will a few followers.

  1. Automate processes.

Remember that social media isn’t just about being engaging one time.

It’s about creating a consistent and specific traffic strategy that will keep people coming back for more and more. And there is no end to the type of content you can in social networks. The main question is how to remember about all. Use special IT tool for this.

Be careful! Optimizing of your business processes is addictive. And use only trusted development team.

And Fortifier as a reliable partner is here.

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